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Fonseca Trending 06/07/22


- WTVO says bicycle prices are skyrocketing because gas prices are skyrocketing. Prices have risen by 20%. Some bike shops have a 15-month wait list for new cycles

- Raw Story says flood waters are receding in Miami following this past weekend's tropical storm. People are posting pictures of fish swimming in the lobbies of their condos.

- Variety magazine says ''Deadpool 3'' will be R-rated and not Disney family friendly.

- Cinemablend says Robert Downey Jr. recently dyed his hair blue in support of his son's Little League team. Their colors are blue and white.

- Screen Rant says the third season of "Ted Lasso" is currently being written. The show's producers say it will be the final season for the show.

- Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden have purchased a $12 million-dollar Montecito, California mansion. Their 11,000 square foot home has a movie theater, a spa, a spiral staircase, fireplaces and a pool.

- KDVR says Walmart is buying the Denver Broncos. Walmart heir Rob Walton has successfully bid $4.5 billion to purchase the franchise. The team is valued at $3.75 billion.

- Foodology says Doritos has a new Ketchup flavor that is available in Canada and select stores for a limited time

- Canadify says Little Caesars restaurants in Canada are introducing a new Chicago-style pizza. The deep dish pizza will cost $12.99 and is loaded with cheese, pepperoni, sausage, green peppers and onions. Americans have taken to social media and are asking Little Caesars to offer the pizza in the states as well


The Daily Mail says Johnny Depp recently enjoyed a $62,000 curry meal in Birmingham, England. He, rocker Jeff Beck, and 20 others took over a fancy restaurant on Sunday night. They ate Indian food and downed expensive champagne.

The Daily Express says Johnny Depp has been celebrating his court victory over Amber Heard by visiting London pubs. He recently ran into a pregnant woman named Lauren Whittington. She says, "He noticed I’m pregnant and was asking me how long I have left, then he was giving me some advice on diapers, lack of sleep, and the first few weeks of parenthood, saying it’ll be the greatest gift I ever receive and I won’t know love like it until I look into her eyes for the first time. He was also talking about his kids, who are grown up now, and how magical being a parent is."

Entertainment Tonight says Chris Rock has no plans to take Jada Pinkett Smith up on her offer to reconcile with Will Smith. A source tells the TV show, ''Chris is the most genuine person ever and he is not caught up in the Hollywood scene. He's not concerned with the Smiths at the moment. He's touring and he's preparing for a comedy special."

The Daily Mail says Gisele Bundchen recently snuck up on Tom Brady as he was in his underwear in their bathroom. Giselle used her phone to record him at a sink. He was wearing his new Brady brand underwear. Tom covered up the camera as they laughed

The Blast claims Neve Campbell is not going to star in ''Scream 6''. The website quotes her as saying; “Sadly I won’t be making the next Scream film. As a woman, I have had to work extremely hard in my career to establish my value, especially when it comes to Scream. I felt the offer that was presented to me did not equate to the value I have brought to the franchise. It’s been a very difficult decision to move on. To all my Scream fans, I love you. You’ve always been so incredibly supportive to me. I’m forever grateful to you and to what this franchise has given me over the past 25 years.”

In touch Weekly Magazine claims Kelly Clarkson is allegedly unhappy that Gwen Stefani is taking her place on ''The Voice''. A source tells the magazine, “Kelly is out, and Gwen is back in, and that burns Kelly. Kelly famously feuded with Blake [Shelton] on the show, so the fact that his wife, Gwen, is taking Kelly’s seat… well, she’s not happy about it. But Gwen has made it no secret that she’s wanted back on the show, so she’s thrilled. If she does [return] and Gwen stays on as a coach… expect fireworks!”

Variety magazine says Paramount Pictures is getting sued over "Top Gun: Maverick."Author Ehud Yonay wrote a detailed 1983 article about Navy fighter pilots that was quickly turned into the first "Top Gun" movie. He later passed away, but the copyright on his story remained with Paramount until January of 2020. Ehud's widow and son claim the studio didn't retain the movie rights when the second film was completed in May of 2021. The family is suing to have "Top Gun: Maverick" removed from theaters. It has made over $557 million globally.

TMZ says Dave Chappelle is planning to donate all of the proceeds from his recent Buffalo performance to the victims of the May 14th grocery store shooting. The show sold out within an hour after Dave announced that the ticket sales would go to help the victims' families.

The Daily Mail says Queen Elizabeth allegedly refused to be photographed with her granddaughter, Lillibet. Harry and Meghan flew with their children to London last weekend for the Platinum Jubilee celebration. The Queen did not want any pictures taken because she was worried Harry and Meghan would share those with U.S. TV networks

Dating Survey

A new survey by the dating app Quack Quack reveals that 14% of people say smoking is a dating deal-breaker. Other findings:

- 25% of people say dating a smoker is difficult

- 23% of singles initially hide their smoking habit from their date.

- 12% of single men have made an effort to quit smoking

Tipping Survey

A new survey by reveals that 73% of people always tip when dining out. That's down from 77% in 2019. Other findings:

- 57% of people tip food delivery drivers. That's down from 63% in 2019.

- 43% of people always tip their Uber or Lyft driver. That's down from 49% in 2019.

- 66% of people always tip their hairdresser or barber

Money Survey

A new survey by Bankrate reveals that 42% of people believe money has a negative impact on their mental health. 50% of people say they get anxious when they look at their bank account

Dear Fonseca

My son is 17 and will be a senior in high school in the Fall. He's got a good Summer job and just bought his first car. Now, he wants to join Tinder and other dating apps. He claims you only have to be 13 to join the dating sites. I thought he was kidding at first, but now realize he is serious. Is it even possible for a 17 year-old to join a dating site? My ex-husband says we should consider it because we can monitor his account. My mom says I'm crazy because he'll end up falling in love with some 40 year-old divorcee. What is your opinion on this? Should I allow him to join or not?

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